Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Protecting One’s Own

In anticipation of an attack against Bill Cosby and his new book, “COME ON, PEOPLE! ON THE PATH FROM VICTIMS TO VICTORS”, I’d like to make it clear that he has one more soldier in the fight against guilty-feeling whites and pseudo-black leaders more obsessed with treating black American’s like victims rather than like the truly strong people that we are. Following in the tradition of Shelby Steel, Ward Connerly, Clarence Thomas and John McWhorter, Cosby has become one of America’s most honest voices on race politics. His unique celebrity status has helped bring to light an issue that has plagued a large part of black America for decades: a culture that embraces its role as a victim (to fulfill an appetite to maintain moral superiority over whites) and defines its racial authenticity as one that rejects law enforcement, meaningful employment and traditional education. As those like Cosby continue to publicly shine their own light, they give the rest of us, THE SILENT BLACK MAJORITY, the courage to do the same.

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