Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What Makes America Great?

Bobby Jindal.

This past Saturday, Bobby Jindal was elected governor of Louisiana, becoming the first Indian-American to hold the position in United States history and the youngest standing governor in the country. He is adamantly opposed to abortion, same-sex marriage and voted no on 84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges. He wants to build a fence along the Mexican border, prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and make permanent some of the Bush tax cuts. Governor Jindal is a true conservative.

Not only is he conservative, but he represents the fundamental principles of a party that is constantly unfairly deemed as racist and apathetic regarding people of color. Ironic then, that someone of Mr. Jindal's ethnic background, as a republican, is appointed to the highest executive position that a state has to offer. His appointment should send two messages to the ostensibly growing number of unpatriotic, politically obtuse Americans: First, that in few other countries could an individual of such a minute ethnic minority rise to this high a level of state government at so young an age. It will be quite the miracle when Iran elects a Sunni Muslim, let alone a Japanese man to give orders in Tehran. Second, Mr. Jindal is a perfect example that no where in core conservatism does it invoke discrimination against people of color. Conservatives preach hard-work, limited government entitlements and individual accountability, principles that were once the fabric of black and immigrant communities. Unfortunately, Condi, Colin and Clarence were brushed off as uncle-toms, but maybe this time things will be different. I don’t know if Governor Jindal has presidential aspirations, but if he does, I am sure the Republican Party will accept him with open arms.


El Politico said...

The idea that America is the only place where a minority can rise to such heights is not true. This has been occuring in Latin America for years and in higher posts. Peru elected Alberto Fujimori (Japanese) as President and Argentina elected Carlos Menem (Syrian). Guyana elected Arthur Chung (Chinese) as President as well. However, I am glad that Jindhal became governor because identity politics are silly. The idea that people vote as blocks is not representative of the true diversity of opinion that exists within every group of people. Only then will we be able to vote not as hyphenated Americans, but as Americans. I don't want to hear Hillary tell me "I'se tired and weary" and I don't need Barack coming out with a reggaeton. This is the greatest blog ever!

Claibourne Henry said...

El politico makes a fair and objective point.

Carl said...

Does the Governor of Louisiana have the legal power to remove local officials? If so, I hope Jindal removes N.O. Mayor Ray Nagin, Police Chief Warren Riley and D.A. Eddie Jordan for gross misconduct, incompetence, & neglect.